February 2019 |
International Review of the WP5 : ; Review panel's report available at this link.
April 2016 |
The collimation system is commissioned for the 2016 LHC operation at a betastar of 40 cm, with the gaps at the primary collimators as small as 2.1 mm and a cleaning inefficiency of 3e-4.

October 2015 |
A particle tracking workshop was held on the 30th October to review the status of the different tools for collimation studies, as well as results of benchmarking of simulations against measurements. Indico link here.
May 2015 |
The collimation system has been commissioned for the full machine cycle. The settings calculated from the alignments at each stage have been verified via beam loss maps.
February 2015 |
LHC Collimation MD requests for Run II have been prepared. See details here.
July 2014 |
All collimators for LHC Run II have been installed.
January 2014 |
The first two TCTPs, Collimators with embedded BPMs from the final series production arrived to CERN. See pictures.
December 2013 |
The CERN production of 3 Secondary collimators with embedded BPMs (TCSP) is finished.
November 2013 |
Arrival of SLAC rotatable Collimator.
May 2013 |
LHC Collimation Review 2013 to advise on the present upgrade baseline and in particular the need to pursue R&D on 11T dipoles for possible installation in the LHC for LS2. Find the comments and recommendations from the reviewers at the link.
March 2013 |
Find the most recent results in collimation at IPAC'13. and the pre-press proceedings.
March 2013 |
Machine Protection Workshop, 11-13 March, Annecy. Discussion of mid- and longer-term improvements of the MP systems.
February 2013 |
Collimator Quench Test. Achieved up to 1.05MW of peak power loss during the test within 5-10seconds, no quench was recorded. Measured quench limit for collimator losses rised by a factor of 2.
January 2013 |
Successful cleaning with tight collimator setting during the 2013 p-Pb run at 4TeV. Find the most relevant loss maps at Loss maps web page.
December 2012 |
Summary of Collimation system performance at Evian 2012 (talk and paper). Excellent cleaning performance in 2012 using Tight Collimator Settings with gaps as small as few mm. The year closed with NO quenches with circulating beams and up to 140 MJ at 4TeV stored energies.
March 2012 |
Start of 2012 proton runs at 4TeV and 130MJ stored energy per beam with Tight Collimator settings
June 2011 |
LHC 2011 External Collimation review.