In order to keep SixTrack as close as possible to its
original form (i.e. to avoid the need of multiples input files), it
has been decided to include a new block in the parameter file for SixTrack (fort.3).Here is a sample of what this block looks
(1) .TRUE.
(2) 157 450000
(3) 3 0. 0.
5.703 0.0015 "dummy" 1.129E-4 0.0000E+00
(4) .TRUE. 8.
9.3 9.3 10. 5.7 6.7 6.7 10.
900. 6.8 8. 7. 6.8
(5) 900. 900.
900. 900. 900. 900. 900. 900.
(6) 0 0. 0. 0. 0.
(7) 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
(8) 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
(9) 7.82E-09
(10) .FALSE. .FALSE. 0. .TRUE.
(11) 0. 0. 0.
(12) 0. 0. 0.
(13) .FALSE. 6.003
(14) 0. 0.
(15) 0 0.0025
(16) ""
(17) .TRUE. .FALSE.
DEoENomP1VertInj 10001 1 1.0
Description of the parameters:
(1) DO_COLL : logical, switches on/off the
collimation studies
(2) NLOOP : number of packs of 64 particles to be
tracked (breaks internal limitation)
MYENOM : energy of the beam to be tracked
(3) DO_THISDIS: integer, selects the type of
distribution used (see below)
MYNEX : size in sigma of the beam in the X direction,
defines distribution to be tracked
MDEX : smear in sigma of the
beam in the X direction, defines distribution to be tracked
MYNEY : size in sigma of the
beam in the Y direction, defines distribution to be tracked
MDEY : smear in sigma of the
beam in the Y direction, defines distribution to be tracked
FILENAME_DIS: name of the
distribution file to be read if DO_THISDIS is set to 4
ENERROR: energy spread of the tracked
BUNCHLENGTH: bunch length of the
tracked beam in millimeters
(4) nsig_tcp3:
opening of the primary collimator in IR3 (in sigmas)
nsig_tcsg3: opening of the secondary graphite collimator in
IR3 (in sigmas)
nsig_tcsm3: opening of the secondary metallic collimator in
IR3 (in sigmas)
nsig_tcla3: opening of the active absorbers in IR3 (in sigmas)
nsig_tcp7: opening of the primary collimators in IR7 (in
nsig_tcsg7: opening of the secondary graphite collimator in
IR7 (in sigmas)
nsig_tcsm7: opening of the secondary metallic collimator in
IR7 (in sigmas)
nsig_tcla7: opening of the active absorbers collimator in IR7
(in sigmas)
nsig_tclp: opening of the physics debris collimator (in
nsig_tcli: opening of the absorbers for injection protection
(in sigmas)
NSIG_TCDQ: opening of the beam dump
protection collimator (in sigmas)
NSIG_TCSTCDQ: opening of secondary
collimator dedicated to beam dump (in sigmas)
NSIG_TDI: opening of the injection
protection collimator (in sigmas)
(5) nsig_tCTH1:
opening of the horizontal tertiary collimator in IR1 (in sigmas)
nsig_tCTH2: opening of the horizontal tertiary collimator in
IR2 (in sigmas)
nsig_tCTH5: opening of the horizontal tertiary collimator in
IR5 (in sigmas)
nsig_tCTH8: opening of the horizontal tertiary collimator in
IR8 (in sigmas)
nsig_tCTV1: opening of the vertical tertiary collimator in
IR1 (in sigmas)
nsig_tCTV2: opening of the vertical tertiary collimator in
IR2 (in sigmas)
nsig_tCTV5: opening of the vertical tertiary collimator in
IR5 (in sigmas)
nsig_tCTV8: opening of the vertical tertiary collimator in
IR8 (in sigmas)
(6) N_SLICES : surface model of the jaw - number of slices in
which each jaw should be cut
SMIN_SLICES : surface model of the jaw - s
position for the start of the slicing
SMAX_SLICES : surface model of the jaw - s
position for the end of the slicing
RECENTER1 : surface model of the jaw - moving the
1st jaw to the new smallest opening
RECENTER2 : surface model of the jaw - moving the
2nd jaw to the new smallest opening
(7) FIT1_1 : surface model of the jaw - order 0 of the
polynomial fit for the 1st jaw
FIT1_2 : surface model of the jaw - order 1 of
the polynomial fit for the 1st jaw
FIT1_3 : surface model of the jaw - order 2 of
the polynomial fit for the 1st jaw
FIT1_4 : surface model of the jaw - order 3 of
the polynomial fit for the 1st jaw
FIT1_5 : surface model of the jaw - order 4 of
the polynomial fit for the 1st jaw
FIT1_6 : surface model of the jaw - order 5 of
the polynomial fit for the 1st jaw
SSF1 : surface model of the jaw - scaling factor
of the polynomial fit for the 1st jaw
(8) FIT2_1 : surface model of the jaw - order 0 of the
polynomial fit for the 2nd jaw
FIT2_2 : surface model of the jaw - order 1 of
the polynomial fit for the 2nd jaw
FIT2_3 : surface model of the jaw - order 2 of
the polynomial fit for the 2nd jaw
FIT2_4 : surface model of the jaw - order 3 of
the polynomial fit for the 2nd jaw
FIT2_5 : surface model of the jaw - order 4 of
the polynomial fit for the 2nd jaw
FIT2_6 : surface model of the jaw - order 5 of
the polynomial fit for the 2nd jaw
SSF2 : surface model of the jaw - scaling factor
of the polynomial fit for the 2nd jaw
(9) EMITX0 : geometric emittance in the horizontal plane
EMITY0 : geometric emittance in the
vertical plane
(10) DO_SELECT : logical, does a dedicated study of
selected collimator (see NAME_SEL)
DO_NOMINAL : logical, switches on/off
the use of design β values of collimators
RND_SEED : seed studied; if set to 0, seed
will be selected randomly for every run
DOWRITE_DIST : logical, saves or not
the initial distribution to be tracked
NAME_SEL : name as in the fort.2 file of
the collimator one wants a dedicated study
DO_ONESIDE : logical, switches on/off
the collimator being one-sided
DOWRITE_IMPACT : logical, saves the
impact parameters for each collimator
DOWRITE_SECONDARY : logical, writes a
2ry halo file based on normalized amplitude
DOWRITE_AMPLITUDE : logical, writes
checking files for amplitude, closed orbit...
(11) XBEAT : offset in X for the computation of collimator in
case of beta-beating
XBEATPHASE : phase offset in X for the
computation of collimator in case of beta-beating
YBEAT : offset in Y for the computation of
collimator in case of beta-beating
YBEATPHASE : phase offset in X for the
computation of collimator in case of beta-beating
(12) C_RMSTILT_PRIM : rms value of tilt to apply to primary
C_RMSTILT_SEC : rms value of tilt to apply to
secondary collimators
C_SYSTILT_PRIM : systematic value of tilt to
apply to primary collimators
C_SYSTILT_SEC : systematic value of tilt to apply
to secondary collimators
(13) RADIAL : logical, switches on/off the radial
NR : size of the beam to be tracked in number of
radial sigmas
NDR : smear of the beam to be tracked in number
of radial sigmas
(14) DRIFTSX : to apply an emittance drift in x direction
DRIFTSY : to apply an emittance drift
in y direction
CUT_INPUT : logical, formerly
used to select particles to be tracked (set .FALSE.)
SYSTILT_ANTISYM : logical, to
deduce C_SYSTILT to C_RMSTILT instead of adding
(15) IPENCIL : resets original distribution to pencil beam
distribution on selected collimator
PENCIL_OFFSET : size in number of
sigmas of the desired impact parameter
(16) COLL_DB : name of the collimator database; must be quoted
IBEAM : "name" of the beam
tracked (1 or 2) => TO BE UPGRADED
(17) DOWRITETRACKS : logical, writes secondary/tertiary halo
CERN : logical, switches on/off
to cut halo files in separate pieces, one per 64 particles
CASTORDIR : name of the run; MUST BE
EXACTLY 16 characters
JOBNUMBER : 5 digit number, name of
the complement to the name of the run (gives seed)
SIGSECUT2 : cut in square sigmas x/y
for saving particles (e.g. 64 for a cut at 8 σx/σy)
SIGSECUT3 : cut in square sigmas
radial for saving particles (e.g. 90.25 for a cut at 9.5 σr)
One should know that a large value for NLOOP combined with
DOWRITE_TRACKS set to .TRUE. may create really huge output files,
depending on the optics you run with.
For example, in our current simulations, a run with NLOOP = 50 (i.e.
simulations over 3200 particles) for the LHC collision optics will
produce a tracks2.dat file of 2.8 Go
(!!), for just 1/1000th of the statistics we need.
Remark: the flag DO_THISDIS provides the user with
4 different options:
-- DO_THISIDS = 1 : distribution in
the plane for which the parameters are specified ONLY
-- DO_THISIDS = 2 : distribution in
the plane for which the parameters are specified +
1 sigma distribution in the other plane
-- DO_THISIDS = 3 : distribution in
the plane for which the parameters are specified +
1 sigma distribution in the other plane
+ energy distribution and bunch length
according to the values given with ENERROR and BUNCHLENGTH
-- DO_THISIDS = 4 : reads an external file that
contains the beam distribution to be tracked.